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I'm in second year studying Computer Science and Statistics at the University of Toronto. This is my portfolio. It's where I showcase my projects and more.

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Stock Alert Bot

Developed an automatic bot using Python and BeautifulSoup to check if products are in stock

  • Python
  • BeautifulSoup
  • Rich
  • pyttsx3

Video Chat Web App

Created a full stack mobile-friendly web app to make video calls

  • React
  • WebRTC
  • Socket.IO

Lyrics for Spotify

Designed a chrome extension to deliver lyrics for listeners on any version of the Spotify app. Simply login, and view the current lyrics!

  • Spotify API
  • oAuth 2.0
  • Lyrics.ovh API

Crypto Price Tracker

Built a web app using React to track the price of cryptocurrencies

  • CoinGecko API
  • React
  • axios
  • Netlify

Looking for Summer 2022 internships.